Aug 29, 2011
Miniature S-Works SL3
I was playing around with my Canon S95 yesterday testing out a few different settings before an upcoming holiday.
I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the tilt shift-esque 'miniature' effect. It makes the SL3 looks like a little toy.
Aug 25, 2011
Bike No. 1 - Torker2 280 Air
Way back in 1987 I was 10 years old. Thanks to the video release of the film 'Rad' I developed an unhealthy obsession with BMXs. This obsession never quite passed and over time has gradually morphed into the road bike version you see some 24 years later.
Aug 15, 2011
Assos Campionissiomo G731
I came across this while trawling the internet over the weekend. Seems that Assos has teamed up with Goomah to produce a limited handmade Assos road bike called the Campionissiomo G731.
Aug 11, 2011
2012 Audax Alpine Classic - Like a moth to a flame.
Last Saturday morning the Wolf Pack was sitting around post ride chewing the fat when Dr Taka broached the subject of us tackling the 2012 Audax Alpine Classic.
For those that don't know, the Alpine Classic is a 200 kilometre one day ride which takes in the Victorian Alpine climbs of Tawonga Gap, Mt Beauty, Falls Creek and Mt Buffalo. Oh yeah; and it is held at the end of January at the height of summer... fair to say it's a bit of a ride.
Aug 4, 2011
Tim Krabbe - The Rider
Now I'm not going to be a pioneer here, I'll just add my voice to the chorus of many cycling related bloggers that have gone before me and declared that in order to consider yourself a serious cyclist; you must read Tim Krabbe’s ‘The Rider’.
Aug 1, 2011
Cadence Collection Cycling Cap
Let's face it, we all love presents; and I was chuffed to bits when one of my mates presented me with this Cadence Collection cycling cap as part of my birthday present.
In addition to the stylish look, the cap is great quality and has a sweat band on the inside... a nice touch and a very welcome addition. It's also great to see a 'Made in the USA' label instead of the usual 'Made in China' you find on most garmets.
Cadence Collection make some really great pieces. The range of clothing can be found at a limited number of local stockists and online at